Confidently Pass
The Matura!
Do you want to achieve your goals on the matura?
Achieve them with the help of the e-Matura free resources to support your learning. Start preparing for success today!
Przedmioty na platformie
Do you want to achieve your gols on the matura?
Achieve them with the help of e-Matura platform, where you can find free cheat sheets and notes!
Cheat Sheets
Szukasz najprostszego i najskuteczniejszego sposobu przygotowania się do egzaminu maturalnego?
Check out our free cheat sheets for different subjects. Gather all the key information in one place and master the matura topics.
Past exasm
Do you want to study with past exams and solutions?
Access our past exams for multiple subjects completely for free and study from there. For each exam you will also have solutions available so you will know where to check yours.
Study planners
Do you want to study in the most effective way possible?
Sign up for our FREE online matura preparation sessions guiding you through the entire matura syllabus.
Why choose e-Matura?
With our free content you will:
Enjoy your holidays worry-free
Enjoy your holidays worry-free, knowing you’re fully prepared for the matura.
Spend less time preparing and achieve even better results
Spend less time preparing and achieve even better results, giving you more time to focus on what truly matters.
Deepen your knowledge
Master even the most complex topics with ease.
Achieve your desired result
Understand the Topics Faster
Give yourself more time to review and perfect your skills.
Zespół entuzjastycznych korepetytorów, którzy wiedzą, co Cię czeka
Nasi energiczni i pełni pasji korepetytorzy są gotowi przeprowadzić Cię przez materiał. Zespół EduMatury rozumie wyzwania, przed którymi stoisz, i jest tu, aby pomóc Ci osiągnąć sukces!
Nauczyciel matematyki
Nauczycielka języka polskiego
Nauczycielka języka angielskiego
Nauczycielka chemii
Nauczycielka biologii
Nauczyciel geografii
Nauczyciel matematyki
Nauczycielka języka polskiego
Nauczycielka języka angielskiego
Nauczycielka chemii
Nauczycielka biologii
Nauczyciel geografii
“e-Matura is truly amazing because it saves a lot of time and highlights the most important information.”
“e-Matura offers a concise overview of all the material and presents it in the simplest way.”
“I am very satisfied; e-Matura made studying for the matura much easier for me. Thank you!”
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